1. John 3:16
2. AGAPE this means love, It speaks of God's love, Divine love. A love that flows from God through us to others. The seed of this love is planted in us when we become Children of God through a conversion of experience. this kind of love is unconditional, no string attached.
3. PHILEO this also translated as love. It is a love based on feelings and affections for another. this is a love that thrives on some conditions being in place and easily dies ,when the climate is not right.
4. EROS it means love, but based on passion, sexual drives and attraction. this kind of love deals with sexual passions and romance, very erotic.
5. STORGE is love based on family ties and blood rerlations. this is the love that exist among family members. when this love is contaminated with Eros, it can leads to all kinds of evil.
The above enumerated types of love will aid in having a balanced life void of wrong assumptions, unrealistic expectation and crafty deception. love is more than a feeling, it is choosing to accept and be committed to someone due to Divine inspiration. Marriage requires all the four loves to be in place, because when you get married, you need them all.
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Agape: You need it to connect to your spouse and stay connected even when the feeling is not there, because in marriage you don't feel ;love all the times, yet you stay in love.
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PHILEO: You need it because marriage is not a ministry, but a relationship that is nurtured to fulfillment and phileo helps youtr commitment to neach other to stay alive.
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EROS: No Eros no attraction. No attractiuon ,no sex, no children. Eros is needed in the marriage to keep the engine of the home lubricated and to keep the romance consistent and intimacy in place. Marriage is the real reason for Eros , that is the only place it was designed to function.
STORGE: It is storge that helps you survive raising children and all the responsibility attached to marriage. storge has help many people who don't have agape to survive, because blood is thicker than water.
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Agape is good but cannot give birth to a child, that is the job of Eros.
PHILEO cannot truly forgive, that is the job of Agape.
EROS cannot handle responsibility, that is the job of Storge
STORGE is good but cannot die for you, that is the job of Agape.
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