Sunday, October 31, 2010


A good understanding of the different kinds of love will help one realize that the real love flows from Agape, lust is a pollution of Eros, while infactuation is a dilution of Phileo.


1. John 3:16

2. AGAPE this means love, It speaks of God's love, Divine love. A love that flows from God  through us to others. The seed of this love is planted in us when we become Children of God through a conversion of experience. this kind of love is unconditional, no string attached.

3. PHILEO this also translated as love. It is a love based on feelings and affections for another. this is a love that thrives on some conditions being in place and easily dies ,when the climate is not right.

4. EROS it means love, but based on passion, sexual drives and attraction. this kind of love deals with sexual passions and romance, very erotic.

5. STORGE  is love based on family ties and blood rerlations. this is the love that exist among family members. when this love is contaminated with Eros, it can leads to all kinds of evil.

The above enumerated types of love will aid in having  a balanced life void of wrong assumptions, unrealistic expectation and crafty deception. love is more than a feeling, it is choosing to accept and be committed to someone  due to Divine inspiration. Marriage requires all the four loves to be in place, because when you get married, you need them all.
How to Take An Online Relationship to the Real World


Agape: You need it to connect to your spouse and stay connected even when the feeling is not there, because in marriage you don't feel ;love all the times, yet you stay in love.
Real Love: What It Is, and How to Find It

PHILEO: You need it because marriage is not a ministry, but a relationship that is nurtured to fulfillment and phileo helps youtr commitment to neach other to stay alive.
The Best Documentarians Yet
EROS: No Eros no attraction. No attractiuon ,no sex, no children. Eros is needed in the marriage to keep the engine of the home lubricated and to keep the romance  consistent and intimacy in place. Marriage is the real reason for Eros , that is the only place it was  designed to function.

STORGE: It is storge that helps you survive raising children and all the responsibility attached to marriage. storge has help many people who don't have agape to survive, because blood is thicker than water.

 Get Over Yourself!: How to Get Real, Get Serious, and Get Ready to Find True Love
Agape is good but cannot give birth to a child, that is the job of Eros.

PHILEO cannot truly forgive, that is the job of Agape.

EROS cannot handle responsibility, that is the job of Storge

STORGE is good but cannot die for you, that is the job of Agape.
01 Lesson: Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds! A Real Man's Guide on How to Find, Date, and Romance the Perfect Woman


You can make a guy think of you day and night only when you have crept into his skin. He should be so taken up by you and with you that he cannot but help thinking of you all the time. You will have to invent really wonderful ways to get him to think of you.
The way you look and dress
The way you look and dress is the most important thing to catch a man's fancy. You should look overwhelmingly attractive and unforgettable. Your image will be embedded deep in his mind and he would keep thinking of you day and night.
The ringing of your laughter
When your laughter rings through the air it is bound to leave an impact on his mind and ring through his thoughts and remind him of you. Every now and then that he hears a laughter he will remember your laughter and the merry ring it carries.
When he knows how understanding you are
Every time he faces a problem or needs to discuss something with you he will remember you and how understanding you are when he has something to say to you. The patience and understanding that you display makes your man think of you day and night.
Your care and concern
Along with your understanding and patience you also show a lot of care and concern for others. You are helpful and go out of your way to keep your man happy. You try to maintain peace and quiet around you, and help in creating a positive atmosphere around you.
The expression in your eyes
The expression in your eyes, the twinkle and laughter make your eyes shine with the love it contains. This is something your man cannot forget. Whenever you look at him or he looks into your eyes the expression he sees remains sublime in his mind.
The fragrance of your body
Your nearness leaves your guy totally overwhelmed with the fragrance of your body. You use a perfume that haunts him throughout the day and makes him think of you day and night. Any one else too with the least hint of a similar perfume gets him remembering you.
The love in your voice
The tone and love that your voice carries is awesome. He can always feel the love you have for him even when you speak with him regarding things that are far apart from talking love. Your entire tone and volume are so infectious with love that he cannot help but think of you day and night.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


When someone tells you " I love you", what comes to your mind? This will be determined by your understanding of your love.


Love has been generally accepted as a strong  feeling of deep affection for someone, characterized by:

1. A willingness to give and care.
2. A willingness to make sacrifices to please.
3. Respect, honour and apprecioation to another.
4. Sensitivity  to the welfare of another
5. Having  a feeling and affection that does not take another for granted.

To many people, love is a feeling and anytime they have a good feeling towards someone, they immediately conclude that they are in love. To allow feelings to dictates love, brings people into confusion and nd up mistaking lust and infactuation for love.


1. LOVE is a strong feeling of deep affection for someone.

2. LUST is a strong desire  or drive . It is a feeling based on the desire to satisfy  a sexual urge. When lust in operations, one's goal becomes the gratification of a sexual desire or drive, lust is out to take the advantage of and nothing else.

3. INFACTUATION is in the same category with lust, but this involve a very strong passion and feeling for the opposite sex and only for the feeling to fade away in matters of days, weeks and minutes, and you wonder what came over you..


“We are gathered here today in the presence of God to join this man and this woman in holy marriage.”

Uncountable couples have heard these words, which are full of promises for the future. Wedding bells, which seem to ring about the realization of dreams, happy homes and fulfilled hopes.

But happy marriages do not come easy, but is the result of hard work.
To Raise Happy Kids, Put Your Marriage First
What makes a happy life-long relationship? Maybe, below thoughts can be to some help:
- Give each other consideration and tenderness from dawn to dusk.
- Praise each other.
- Settle your disagreements before you fall asleep.
- If someone must have the last word, make sure it is your partner.
- Never stop courting each other.
- Respect each other’s private life.
Why Did I Marry You Anyway? Overcoming the Myths That Hinder a Happy Marriage
- Surprise each other with presents.
- Do not scream at each other.
- Ask for forgiveness, if you have done something wrong.
- Speak softly and kindly to your partner.
A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage: The Essentials for Long-Lasting Togetherness

Thursday, October 28, 2010


It is a good thing to make a man curious about you. This will ensure that he will become attracted to you and want to know you better. No man likes a woman to be an open book. He feels excited when he has to go to some lengths to pursue her. Here are some ways in which to make him curious.Why Hasn't He Called?: New York's Top Date Doctors Reveal How Guys Really Think and How to Get the Right One Interested

Never tell him everything about you
Don't be too friendly and too open too soon! If he knows everything about you all at once, there will be nothing for him to find out. This will make him bored and he will begin to lose interest after a while. The best way to make him curious about you is to keep mum!How to be a Super Hot Woman: 339 Tips to Make Every Man Fall in Love with You and Every Woman Envy You

Be friendly but keep him at arm's length
It is a good thing to be friendly and approachable but don't let him get too close to you. Keep him at arm's length and make him long to get closer to you. This sort of behavior on your part will make you seem tempting and tantalizing and he will desire to know you better.

Be evasive
Every time he asks you too many personal questions, be evasive and mysterious. This will make him even more curious and he will long to find out what the answers are! The more you try to evade his questions, the more he will want to know your secrets.

Don't spend too much time alone with him
One way to make him curious about you is to make sure you spend just enough time in his company to whet his appetite! Let him see facets of your charming personality that will make him excited and want to know more about you. Then all you have to do is leave and keep him thirsting for more!How to Make Someone Fall in Love With You in 90 Minutes or Less

Make him frustrated about knowing so little about you
The less you let him know, the more he will want to discover about you. You may find him questioning your near and dear one for information about you. This is a good sign, because it proves that he is getting more curious about you and is interested in knowing details about your life.

Send him subtle signals but don't back them up with words
What you can do is give him signs and send him subtle signals that convey your interest in him, but make sure that you don't really confirm it in any way. Just when he begins to think that you are definitely interested, ignore him! This will make him crazy and frustrated and he will want to know more.

Go away for a while
If you suddenly drop out from the scene and he was just getting used to seeing you around, he will get very curious as to where you have disappeared of to, with whom, whether you plan to come back etc. He will do his best to find out all the details and reasons as to why you have disappeared just when he was about to make a move on How to Make a Man Fall in Love with You: The Fail-Proof, Fool-Proof Method


Man by nature has a roving eye and It doesn't take him long to be distracted from you and attracted elsewhere. So, If you do not wish for such a situation to arise then you must continue to make your man feel attracted to you. Consider some of these suggestions and you'll do well for yourself.How to Have Great Success With Women

Keep yourself attractive always
Looks are a very important part of a man continuing to feel attracted to you. So visit your parlor regularly, be it a facial or haircut and color or other things you had been indulging in. Change your hair style and color from time to time; it will keep the new look going.How To Fall In Love, Pt. 1 (Album Version)

Change your style of dress
Don't get stuck to any single style. Keep introducing changes to give you a different look. Use bolds, prints, light shades and flashy colors whether casual or formal, according to the occasion. Each new look will make your man continue to feel attracted to you.

A rigorous sport
If you have not been a sportsperson don't feel disdained. It's never too late to start simple activities to keep physically fit. Enroll with a gym or cycle regularly and see how well and fit you look. Your man will notice the change in you.How To Fall In Love, Pt. 1 (Album Version)

Give him his space
See that you don't tag on to him at all times as though all his free time belongs to you. He needs his space too and by leaving him on his own he will appreciate that you are considerate about him spending some of his own time the way he wants.Going-Natural: How to Fall in Love with Nappy Hair

You also need to keep busy
Find yourself activities independent of your man. Let him know you too have other interests and need the time to be away from him. Show him that you are a woman of varied interests. That way he will continue to feel attracted to you.How to Fall in Love

Take up some study
When your man sees that your interest also lies in progress and growth in your profession, he will appreciate you more than ever. He will admire you for the way you spend your time in useful activities rather than just hanging out or going out with him.Andrew Lloyd Webber: Now & Forever

When with him be with him
Every man likes to feel he is the only one for his woman. So let it be! Give him your hundred percent attention and understanding when you're with him, as though nothing else matters but him. This attention will certainly amaze him and he will continue to feel attracted to you.Broadway - The American Musical (PBS Series)


When choosing a life partner, ask yourself these honest questions:
  • What does the person's physical appearance say about their lifestyle?
  • What does the person's living situation say about their personality?
  • Is he or she financially stable?
  • If not, what does he or she expect you to do about finances should living together ever become an option?
  • If so, how important does his or her career seem to be?
  • What does a person's job or hobbies say about their long-term future goals?
  • How does this person spend most of their time?
  • Why does this person appear to be "dangerous?"
  • Why does this person seem confident?
  • What does the person's sense of humor reveal about their character?
  • What subjects dominate his or her conversation?
  • How does the other person treat his or her family?
  • How does the other person treat friends, acquaintances and strangers?
  • What do I know about their previous relationships?
  • Why did these previous romances end?
  • Is this person on good terms with his or her previous lovers?
  • Why does this person seem interested in you?
  • Do this person's actions speak louder than words?
These are just a few questions that you could ask yourself. Of course, there are many other notations you could make about a prospective date, and they could range from fairly obvious to seemingly insignificant.
This is not to suggest that you should be very picky when reviewing a person's flaws. Everyone has flaws! However, it can give you a good idea of who you're going to be dating and what you will have to deal with on a regular basis. Are you up for it? Or are there some dating personalities that are just too difficult for you to attempt?Finding the Love of Your Life. The key principles for choosing the right marriage partner! Audio CD 12 volumes
It's better to be honest with yourself now when choosing your life partner, than be heartbroken later on.
P.S Just broke up? You can get your ex back! Visit this site for tips on how to save a relationship. Find out exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back!Black and Single: Meeting and Choosing a Partner Who's Right For You


People wh are satisfied appreciate what they jhave in life and don't worry about how it compares to what others have. Valuing what you have over what you do not or cannot have leads to greater happiness.

People who have the most are only as likely to be happy as those who have the least. Peolple who like what they have, however, are twice as likely to be happy as those who actually have the most.